Things & Thoughts I Drew When I Was Bored by Naela Ali

Jadi gue pernah iseng gitu ke toko buku trus nemuin buku yang font nya menarik dengan hardcover buku ini cukup eye catching. Iseng lah buka trus baca-baca. Ga sampe sejam kok untuk baca buku ini, tapi kalau kalian mendalami setiap gambar atau kata-kata yang ada, wow.. Trus keren gitu deh gambarnya (punya ciri khas) dan bingung aja darimana dia dapet inspirasi nya padahal dia lagi bosen hehe. Buku ini keren juga kok kalau kalian mau pajang di rak buku hehe.

Ini quotes favorite gue (yang mungkin berhubungan?) :

I no longer have energy to beg people to stay in my life. You can go or you can stay. Life is all about choices. You have your own choices and so do I.

After all, this is only temporary world. People say goodbye, in a good or bad way. We'll be gone in time. One thing I always wish for is to have a proper goodbye to the people I care about, to at least give them the last nice thing called smile.

Maybe leting go is the simplest from of all suffering.